Monday, December 17, 2007

Cause' vs. Cause.

Here is a link to some of Anthony Campuzano's artwork, this should be very helpful with our new project.

-Take a look HERE

-Take a look HERE for some great TYPE examples

-Take a look HERE for some MORE (FREE) great TYPE examples

Also check out this website for a good cause.

I Give a Damn. So Can You. Learn More.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Art Shop Wrap Up.

Art Shop was a huge success this year, with a huge crowd and tons of artists getting together to offer their goods to the public. NEHS students Sofiya Friedman, Sarah Farma, Michael Mizrahi and Isiah Bradley had digital reproductions and original prints available for purchase.

Sarah said.. and I quote "Art Shop tonight was really awesome"
-Check out Sarah's blog posting about the event HERE

Monday, December 3, 2007

Extra Credit

Come check out Art Shop 2007 and support NEHS students and the arts in Philadelphia.