Monday, December 17, 2007

Cause' vs. Cause.

Here is a link to some of Anthony Campuzano's artwork, this should be very helpful with our new project.

-Take a look HERE

-Take a look HERE for some great TYPE examples

-Take a look HERE for some MORE (FREE) great TYPE examples

Also check out this website for a good cause.

I Give a Damn. So Can You. Learn More.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Art Shop Wrap Up.

Art Shop was a huge success this year, with a huge crowd and tons of artists getting together to offer their goods to the public. NEHS students Sofiya Friedman, Sarah Farma, Michael Mizrahi and Isiah Bradley had digital reproductions and original prints available for purchase.

Sarah said.. and I quote "Art Shop tonight was really awesome"
-Check out Sarah's blog posting about the event HERE

Monday, December 3, 2007

Extra Credit

Come check out Art Shop 2007 and support NEHS students and the arts in Philadelphia.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

New Links

Elizabeth Jansen went to the Rhode Island School of Design majoring in graphic design. She now lives in Philadelphia and works as a designer for Urban Outfitters satellite company Free People.

-Take a look at Ms. Janssen's website here

Our friend Illustrator James Ulmer's new exhibition opens Saturday Dec. 8th @ The padlock gallery in South Philadelphia
-Check out Padlock's website for more information.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Scholarship Opportunity


Open to all graduating high school seniors internationally who will be 18 yrs of age by May 31, 2008 and entering college for the first time. There is no restriction on subject matter. Accepted medias are painting, photography, mixed media and sculpture.
Top five finalists will be awarded scholarships:

$5,000 Best in Show
$3,000 Excellence in Art,
$2,000 Spirit of Freedom Award
$1,000 Recognition (2 awards).

In addition to scholarship, each of the five finalists will receive airfare and hotel for themselves and two family members to travel to Las Vegas, NV for the award reception on May 31, 2008.
Entry fee. Contact: Anilee Fine Art Gallery, 7825 S Rainbow Blvd Suite 17320, Las Vegas NV 89178 OR 702-787-0185

The Anilee Gallery Website

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Homework 6

Read the article on Drawing Light and Shadows. Pay close attention to the section concerning the 3 parts of light and shadow, the technique you can use to find values and the definition of contrast. You will be asked in class to apply this knowledge for credit.


Another good article about drawing

And one more

Tyler School of Art's Website

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Check out this trailer for a movie about the Icelandic band Sigur Rós, This is playing @ The International House (37th & Chestnut Sts.) 8 pm. Tues. November 20th

Click here to watch trailer

Moore college of Art will be here on Friday to give a presentation about their school, the programs offered and the requirements for acceptance.

Click here to check out Moore's website

Friday, November 9, 2007

Guest Speaker #2- James Ulmer

Philadelphia based Illustrator James Ulmer spoke with Northeast students today about his journey from Upper Darby High School to the present where he is an illustrator. Mr. Ulmer discussed the process of preparing for college, the changes in his artwork, his personal artistic process and the business end of proposing and acquiring exhibitions and selling work. We were fortunate enough to take a look at Mr. Ulmer print portfolio and even some of his more recent sketchbooks.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Blind Contour.

Many of us are struggling through a difficult drawing technique called "blind contour". This is an exercise where the artist does not lift their pen or pencil and only looks at the object they are drawing. Our desire to create images that are "realistic" often gets in our way when drawing and makes it difficult for us to really see what is in front of us. This is an excercise to train us to slow down and record what we see vs. what we think something should look like. Here are some examples from a Philadelphia based illustrator Matt Sutter.

Check out Matt's Blog HERE

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Contest Results!

1st Place- Diego Delrio!

A two way tie for 2nd Place- William Fritz and Jillian Trager!

Great work! Happy Halloween.

Monday, October 29, 2007

College Visit

Tyler School of Art Admissions Counselor Ms. Morgan visited art room 122 today to give students a presentation about Tyler's programs, student work and review student portfolios.

Tyler School of Art Website

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Week in Review.

Tyler intern Ms. Huber's Figure drawing lesson.

Periods 1, 2 & 4's exchange pieces ready for Queens NY.

Gulu Walk Pictures

Here are some pictures from the Gulu walk last week.

Thanks to Lisa, Mike and Erin for representing NEHS

Monday, October 22, 2007

Homework 5- James Ulmer

James Ulmer is a Philadelphia based illustrator and will be our next guest speaker, let's take a look at his website so we are familiar with his work. Write 4 questions you would want to ask Mr. Ulmer.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Komal & Ummarah's Forged Drawings

Extra Credit


- Obtain a pumpkin- whatever size you can handle. If this is a problem for you, see me privately.

- Create a face out of your pumpkin using any or all of the fllowing:
-Carving (make sure you get permission from your parent or guardian and be careful!)
Please be sure to remove pulp and seeds if you are carving into the pumpkin

- Paint markers white-out or whatever you have at home that will adhere to the pumpkin.
- Add on materials such as cut paper or cardboard, glitter, found objects, cloth, hats. hair, jewelry, etc., etc.

- Your pumpkin could reflect something about YOU: your personality; likes and dislikes; physical features, etc.

-Here's a great website for inspiration.

- In addition to being graded by me and Tyler Intern Ms. Huber, the pumpkins will be judged by an impartial jury (administrators, teachers, and school personnel). Prizes will be awarded for artistic excellence and creativity.

- Judging will take place on Wednesday October 31st, so you MUST bring your pumpkin to Art Room 122 by that date to receive credit and be included in the judging. You will be able to take home your creation on Nov. 1st.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Guest Speaker #1- Jessica Roberts

Friday we were privileged to have our first guest artist Jessica Roberts speak to us about her path into art and photography. Jessica presented some of her influences, past and present work, answered questions and gave some advice to our young artists.

Below are some links Ms. Roberts gave for us to check out.

Loretta Lux
Julia Fullerton
Eric Ogden
The Sanchez Brothers
Pdn Online
Magnum Photos
Jessica Roberts
Wanderlust PhotoBlog
Humble Arts Foundation
Project Basho
ICA Philadelphia
Tom Chambers Photo

Here is a link to the GULU WALK PHILLY WEBPAGE
This is a good cause that many NE students have expressed interest in, and have supported in other ways such as The Invisible Children Campaign.

Here is a link to the SDP's Knockout Violence Movement

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

NE/Queens exchange.

Hey, students from 5th period here! We finally finished our first project!
Yes! Yes! It took us very long to blend everything together from the original piece we received. Now, placing together the other artwork from other students is a whole different story. It was like putting a puzzle piece together but you don’t know what the whole piece looks like all together. Man it was hard. Putting everyone’s piece together was tough for us because of all the different designs we made. Everyone had different types of lines going all other the place while others had a constant movement.

In the end, we think it came out magnificent!

-Ha & Margarita 167!

Friday, October 5, 2007


-Go to Roberta Fallon & Libby Rosof's Artblog.
-Choose a posting to read.
-Record the date of the posting.
-Summarize the posting.
-click the links and explore other artists work!


*artwork- Josh Rickards

Friday, September 28, 2007


Aaron Young @ The Armory
Read the article posted HERE and answer the following questions.
- How was the artwork made?
- What is the title of the work?
- What inspired the title of the work?
- What was the cost of producing the work?
- How many panels composed the painting?
- Is this a "painting"? explain...

Watch a slideshow of Aaron's work HERE

Watch a video of the performance HERE


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

University of the Arts Exhibition

Today was the hanging of our collaborative work "Caution Combustible" with Philadelphia artist Ben Volta. These works were created last Spring in our 7th period Art and Landscape class through a grant from the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The pieces were hung in the education wing of the PMA then OneShot Coffee in Northern Liberties prior to landing at UArts Gallery 817 @ 211 S. Broad Street for the next month. There is currently talks of the main work moving permanently to the main school district building on 440 N. Broad St.

Homework 2

Check out Philadelphia artist and teacher Rubens Ghenov's art blog and look at the post/work titled "By The Rivers of Babylon"

During Preclass you will be asked to write a brief description (describing the images, the medium used) as well as your personal interpretation and critique of the piece.

Periods 1-4 are continuing to work dilligently on their Postcard from the future. Students are finalizing their designs in thumbnail sketches and begining to apply materials and build their foundation.

***Here is some great reference material for inspiration-
The Griffin and Sabine Trilogy Gallery
Found Magazine

Periods 5 & 6 are blazing ahead with their black and white forgeries which will be part of an exchange with a High School art program in Queens New York. Each student will send one BW line drawing to another student who will base their drawing off of the one they recieved. We hope to propose an art showing at a coffee shop in center city to exhibit the artists work.

Enjoy.- McQuilling